Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tailgating Lots from Tailgating America

So you want to travel around the nation finding the best places to tailgate at, but you are unsure of where to go. This site will give you directions to tailgating lots related to these sports NFL, colleges and universities (I assume for football games, but it does not specify), NASCAR, baseball, and arena football. I love that they give a wide variety of sports to visit tailgating lots because not everyone enjoys the same ones.

This allows anyone to pick and choose between the places they want to stop. For me personally, I would probably try to stop at as many NFL football stadiums because that would be my first to sport to watch (and the best for tailgating). Usually the parking lots around football stadiums are easier to access because they are prepared for large crowds when they planned during the development stages. Plus NFL stadiums tend to hold larger crowds, and are packed every weekend no matter how bad the team is. You know it will be a good time everyone weekend because there will be at least 50,000 plus people all the time. I will let you be the judge though. The list of the other sports is also limited to fewer lots because I believe they are not as prepared for tailgaters. Even though that may be the case I recommend the following.

If you have the time and resources I would suggest looking at this page, and finding several lots to partying at. I would also suggest visiting different sport lots because it will give you a better appreciation of how these divisions of fans tailgate. I think you will come to find out that it is not that different from sport to sport. All fans seem to congregate in the same when it comes to tailgating. One final note, it also gives direct links the stadiums official parking lots informational pages. So if you are unsure of their resources you can double check that they found what you are looking for. Here is a link to the site “Tailgating America”, and just find the tab on the home page that states “Parking Lots”. I hopeful this is helpful for your journeys this year.

Good Luck Hunting….The Tailgate Society

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