Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Best College Football Stadium to Tailgate

In my personal experience I have tailgated at a couple of college football games. Since I am from the Mid-west the only games I have gone too are a few ISU and U of I games. I have never actually tailgated and gone to the game at the same time though. I have either solely went to the games or tailgated and didn’t have tickets to go. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but does it really need too? Oh well…. it did not make a big difference to me because from a competition standpoint I wasn’t too excited for either games because I am not really a fan the teams.

If possible, when I do go to other games I generally like to tailgate before the game with the intuition that I am actually going to the game also. I just think it is more fun that way because it creates an entire experience where you spend your whole day around with friends and family to support the team. Otherwise you are just drinking in a parking lot with a bunch of other people, which can be done basically anywhere. I am kidding where else can masses of people get together to drink without any intrusion from the law, but seriously how can it be tailgating if your intention is never to go into the game. In addition, games just are not the same without tailgating before. Do get me wrong both leisure activities are great by themselves, but combined it is the best time.

I have always wanted to go to a Michigan Wolverines game because as a child I wanted to go to their school for some reason. I think it was because I have been a fan of their football program since then. They were always on ABC and a good team to watch. Hard not to like something that wins all the time and also when you watch all the time. Hopefully I can make it to a game sometime. For me that would be the best college football stadium to tailgate at.

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