Saturday, November 7, 2009

How to Prepare for those Cold Winter Games

Now that we are getting closer to winter it is especially crucial to bundle up for those outdoor activities. For those of us that do not have the luxury of year round warm weather or domed stadiums we have to bear the cold to support our teams on Sunday or Saturday if you prefer. I am a bigger NFL fan than college football. Anyways, there are few ways you can go about your preparations in order to stay warm.

For the typical fan you probably are going to want to be the warmest you can possibly be. For this I say it never hurts to pack extra things. Bring a few blankets that you can have while tailgating that way you are not completely frozen by the end of the day, and if they allow you to bring them into the stadium I say go for it. Put on plenty of layers of clothing. You can always take stuff off if you get hot, but if you fail to bring something you can put in back on. I always like to keep these parts of my body the warmest: your head, hands, and feet because they are the furthest away from you heart where your blood is obviously being pumped. For me anyways, they tend to get the coldest. Usually I am I wishing I had a ski-mask to help keep my entire face covered. Bring hot drinks: coffee, tea, cappuccino, or whatever. This will help keep your blood circulating and give you warmth.

Or you can be that other guy….you know the one. It is the guy that has no shirt on and is in a line as a letter to spell out a word. I definitely do not have the motivation to do this. That would be a long day for myself. I do respect that they are willing to stand out in the cold for the day though. My question is do they even get cold?

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